HSP Brains Are Built for This...

HSP brains are (for the lack of a better term) "designed" to notice subtle information coming from the world around us, and process it more carefully and deeply.
Because of this, when an HSP does one of those "spot the differences between these two images" games, they may pick up on the smaller changes better than someone who is not an HSP. According to a brain study, HSPs may not necessarily be more accurate, or quicker than their non-HSP counterparts at detecting the differences, but they definitely take more time noticing and carefully processing what's in front of them.
I often remember loving these types of games anytime I came across them... spotting the difference between two images, playing I-spy, or where's Waldo. It always felt like a fun challenge for my brain, and something I felt excited by and like I was good at.
Below I have prepared an image for you that has 8 changes between both images, at increasing difficulties to spot. See if you can find them all!
The answer key is down below if you need it...
Original photo that I photoshopped is by Aleks Dorohovich on Unsplash
Answer key, from top to bottom and left to right:
Arrow keys, book spine color, eraser, color of pencil, LG logo, leaves on logo, concentric circles, dark edges
I hope you enjoyed this exercise and found it thrilling for your highly sensitive brain! I also found a website that has a daily "spot the differences" puzzle. Check it out if you're interested: Puzzle Society's daily Spot the Difference
- Tiara Ariel
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