The High Sensitivity 101 Mini-Course

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So, you've discovered you're an HSP... Now what?

You can certainly do your own searching online, read dozens of articles, purchase and read several books, and gather all the information you can about HSPs and gain a solid understanding.

Or, you simply purchase this course and get all the most up-to-date information about the highly sensitive trait: all organized in one place for you, in a format that makes the information easy to process and enjoyable to learn, and get an in-depth understanding of what it means to be an HSP.

What's Inside:

A comprehensive overview of all of the current research and understanding of what it means to be highly sensitive. Plus insight for a healthy and empowering view on the trait itself. The information is broken down into 4 easy-to-digest video modules, totaling 1 hr and 25 minutes total of pre-recorded educational and enlightening content.

It also includes a guided reflection exercise to help you understand how the trait shows up for you as an individual. Plus a full list of resources used to create the modules for fact-checking purposes, more in-depth learning, or to stay up-to-date on any new research studies that may be released in the future, after taking the course.

Topics include:

  • trait definition & characteristics
  • nervous system and brain differences
  • research studies and their findings
  • theories of the origin and purpose of the trait based in science and evolution
  • what a stressed HSP looks like vs. a calm and secure HSP
  • key ideas to help you reframe any negative perceptions you may have of the trait
  • helpful metaphors to solidify these teachings
  • and much more!

Course Sneak Peek...

Here is a 1 min 30 second clip from the course:

In this segment, Tiara discusses how HSPs and non-HSPs have valuable skill-sets to offer to society as a whole, and the differing needs of both HSPs and non-HSPs should be taken into consideration within our communities.

This is just a small sample of the valuable information packed into this course.


This course is for you if...

You are an HSP looking to learn more about the trait, and therefore yourself!

If you are only interested at this time in educational content about the highly sensitive trait, this course is what you're looking for.

Are you in? Click the button below to purchase the High Sensitivity 101 mini-course and get immediate access today.

Enroll in the HSP 101 Course


If you are also interested in self-improvement, Tiara's other educational online course, Doorway to a Better Way, may be better suited for you.

Or, if you are ready to fully move out of survival mode, into a thriving state, Tiara's online membership program, Surviving to Thriving as an HSP, may be worth your consideration instead!

(FYI - All 3 of Tiara's offerings, the two mini-courses and the full online membership program, include the 3 modules on the HSP trait information)

Why is learning about the trait important?

If you truly identify with being a highly sensitive person, a great deal of personal growth and new levels of health and happiness become available to you once you are able to fully understand how this trait shows up in your individual experience. Getting to know ourselves better always benefits us, across all areas of our lives.